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It is probably the last cold week-end but temperature will drop by 10 degrees! I am glad I can move all my hydroponics inside and protect my babies from the cold shock.

Boring and long! However this guy is doing the same things I do every day: cycling, taking care of plants and taking some photos!

The Garmin App confirmed over a year that my fitness age is about 10 years younger than my current age. I can feel it easily, no hair loss, no healthy problems and I can easily climb up stairs while others are running out of breath.


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My hydroponics are just thriving! I have the impression that the ones that got back into soil are not doing that good at the moment. My brother is carefully taking care of the roses. My parents had a hard time believing that chilies can thrive in water but they are convinced now.

My chilie plants are thriving in their hydroponic setups!


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I want more of the hot Carolina Reaper!

4 dAyS!

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It’s been four days and still no sign of sprouts from the Carolina reaper seeds!


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I bought 80 ladydug larvea to keep the aphids (“pucerons”) on my plants under control.


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I was feeling great after ending my previous teaching assignment. I really did not know what will happen next but the kids were horrible and I better get quickly out of there or something bad might happen. I should really try teaching in a private or catholic school. Too many weirdos in the public sector!


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This one chilie tree won the beauty competition among all my plants!

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