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I immediately corrected the lack of sleep. Indeed, the lack of sleep triggered negative thoughts, paranoia, obsessive and illogical behaviors. Self-isolation is recommended in these situations.
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Good, my weight is showing a stable trend at 56.5 kg.
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vEry baD slEep!

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Very bad sleep on Tuesday night, which I am trying to correct.
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I was looking for something very simple, with no more drama. Since I have a very difficult personality, the best way to achieve this goal is to rely only on myself for everything I do each day and only ask for minor help when needed. The simplest interaction is between me and my bank account: if we don’t agree, then I will just avoid doing what I wanted to do.
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stuPid stRess!

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I tend to forget where I last used my USB drive each week on one of the school computers (printer, library, classroom, etc.). I thought I had lost the entire latest data backup last week by attempting a foolish synchronization across all my drives from an empty one. It deleted everything everywhere except on the USB drive that I had lost and subsequently managed to recover! I made backups on at least 3 different cloud accounts where I won’t change anything.
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mUch BeTtEr!

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It takes a few days to correct stress and sleep deprivation. I had three nice nights of good sleep to feel much better mentally, and recording more than 8-9 hours is the miracle remedy for all strange mood swings and behavior.
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fEeLinG GooD!

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It feels good when my room is organized and not cluttered with tons of useless things. I like to buy new stuff, however, they pile up after some time and tend to take up too much space, hiding the essentials and useful items.


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I am quickly fixing a tiny callus problem. It keeps coming back every year.
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sPrInG ClEaNinG!

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I am feeling much better after a deep clean of my room. A lot of useless stuff was thrown away, making room for new useless stuff to come 🙂
3.4.2021 COVER


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I am correcting the lack of sleep during the long week-end!
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