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My goal is to maintain a perfect sleep pattern all year long. However, as soon as school starts, my sleep gets disturbed!
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Too much stress just before vacation! I cannot wait for Friday and to be on my way to relaxation island!

lAst Week!

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One more week and I will be on vacation! I need to be Z-E-N!


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Good sleep and regular exercises! That is all that is needed to restore my daily balance. Life, the brain’s complex behavior, and existential crises create imbalance.
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Happiness is the absence of sadness; I love that simplicity!

atOmIc HabIts!

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The background noise had to go, it was so simple, I had to change and “The Atomic Habits” was right. Small tiny changes!
1. Only eat when I am hungry and keep it at a certain time
2. Practice regular physical activities
2. Go to bed early and wake up early to do regular chores
3. Ignore the social background from others: talk about things that matters, avoid chit chat!
5. I cannot change other people, just live my life.


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I am teaching Physics and Chemistry, Computer Science, English/Physics so why not each also math next year? I can easily do it.
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oLD mE!

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In 3 months, I will leave behind the old me with a weight problem. My weight is now stable, and I have no issues with weight control. My mind is accustomed to its new healthy diet and routine.
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So true and so sad! “When we have nothing to destroy, we destroy ourselves!”


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The brain is the only organ that needs a workout at the gym; that is probably why there is the same proportion of unhealthy people at the gym as outside of the gym. The body is controlled by the brain!
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