110 kms cyclInG!
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110 kms per week is not that bad however it should increase when the summer really kicks in.
I should be at my target weight, 56.5 kg, soon, only 1 kg and 300 grams to go. I stopped all kind of sweets that were too sugary. Only fruits and healthy food.
gooD news!
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I thought my bank accounts would decrease for a while, on the contrary, it just kept growing from unexpected paychecks from my teaching position. Indeed, they kept paying me the same salary, even though, I officially quit like a month and half ago. No logical explanation nor complains from my side, just enjoying life as it goes!
48 yEars old!
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There comes that dreadful day of the year where the clock seems to matter: I am officially 48 years old. In short, I am healthy, I have no debts, I have few bucks in the bank, I am still looking for a purpose in life, I want stability: no drama, no surprises, nothing that disturbs my beautiful stress level for any reason. On the good side, I have all my hair, I only lost 2 teeth due to stupid reasons and I have no intentions of loosing more, more importantly I am not really afraid of getting old.
Let’s bring my weight back to its optimum level: 56.5 kgs. Only 1.6 kgs to loose since I am currently at 58.1 kg. Winter laziness is gone.
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When you can monitor and visualize your results, it is easier!
Sleeping score: A high score and a perfect stable trend.
Stress level: A low score and a stable trend.
wEatHer rOlEr Coaster!
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The weather is annoyingly changing between cold and warm temperatures making my biking sessions less enjoyable than usual. To be honest, thanks to the bad weather I had the park to myself during the week-end, I just had to be more cautious concerning clothing protections. There is always a good side to anything!
peRfEct TreNd!
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Perfect healthy trend for a week!
dOinG tHiNgs RiGhT!
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When you do things right, you get the rewards!
reAliTy vs daTa!
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From the last hacking experience, it appeared to me that data controlled reality. Indeed, when I contacted the online service centers, they specifically told me that I had to present myself to a store to be able to buy a SIM card and to be allowed to activate it with my ID card: in reality, it was just data manipulation. The service center could, of course, only check their screens filled with data! Sadly, I had to do it myself to recover my identify, in reality, the hacker did not!