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I really enjoy the shape and the quality of Airpods! It was a good deal and I bought them.
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luXurY: 2 cARs!

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One car for show, one car for dough! Indeed, I enjoy driving my old Toyota Yaris more, simply because I can park it anywhere and don’t care about little scratches on the doors. With a little bit of luck, my old Yaris can last even longer; it already has 248,395 km on it!
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fEeLing GreAt!

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When every piece of life rearranges itself like a puzzle and everything goes my way, I feel great!
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I’ve kept a checklist and everything is done! Happy, happy!

tIMe & pAtIEnCE!

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So, I am an impatient person, and it seems that all my problems could be better solved if I wait a little bit. How can I teach my brain to wait and be patient?

tHe SOluTion!

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Today, I replaced the old battery with a brand new Bosch battery for 131 Euros. Then, my old Toyota Yaris started perfectly. Before this, the repair shop had tested everything and could not find the problem. It was nobody’s fault; the car is just old and needs a powerful new battery to start properly. I suspect there is some kind of electrical leak inside. I am extremely happy because I love my old Yaris.
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3 DayS oF woRk!

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Only three days of work this week! It looks a bit hectic, but it is short. Stay calm, stay quiet! Avoid all trouble!

tInY proBlem!

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A tiny piece of paper remained in the tray and it was causing regular paper jams. I was lucky that I opened the right tray and got rid of it. It generated a lot of stress. The laser printer, Brother MFC-L2860DW, worked perfectly yesterday. Happy, happy!

nEw ToY!

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I enjoy the Echo Dot and now the Echo Spot series: elegant and smart devices.
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A new coffee machine and 6 boxes of 12 capsules each for just 39 Euros! Since I regularly buy the capsules anyway, the new coffee machine effectively costs me only 21 Euros: great deal!
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