sTay fOcuS!

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I’ve been trying to focus on one thing lately: finding time to do what I enjoy, such as working out, shopping, and relaxing. If I happen to be in the lab and have some spare time, I’ll help the new lab preparator, as she seems lost and the tasks people ask her to do are simple for me. I’ve been avoiding extra responsibilities and social events, as they take up time and I don’t have much to spare.
Not every problem is solvable: - 1

strEss & MiND!

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The stress took a minor toll last week. I forgot my key in my trouser pocket and it all went for a turn in the washing machine. It survived! I tried to avoid every one and get a free conflict.


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Two more weeks before Christmas!
Christmas Snow globe Snowflake with Snowfall on Blue Background


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Very bad sleep due to intense stress induced by different school meetings! I was so tired yesterday and had a wonderful recovery sleep after 3 horrible nights! Luckily, nothing happened, I was very prepared.
Capture d'écran 2024-12-05 082431

a HelPing Hand!

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At the school, we have a new lab preparator. She is lost, and I secretly helped her a few times, meaning I prepared for her whatever tasks the other physics teachers asked her to do. In return, she reserved the computer classroom for me. I knew that she was only scared and tired, as most of these tasks were very simple.

nEtWork IssuEs!

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Yesterday around 9 PM, EcoleDirecte (the school application manager) and my own blog went down. I quickly went online and got confirmation that EcoleDirecte was not working, however, I could not see what was wrong with my own network. This morning, with calm and more focus, I immediately saw that my PC’s IP address had changed. It is quite rare; it happens when a new device joins our busy network. I usually spot these problems very quickly, I guess I was just tired.


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In this apartment with only 4 people, there are at least 26 devices connected to the network. The priority was to connect everything using cables; the rest is managed by the Honor router. I never let it create two different networks to make things easier to manage.
Capture d'écran 2024-12-02 065424


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Relaxing and very nice tunes from TikTok!

nO Salt & SuGar!

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It’s been over a year now that I do not add any extra salt or sugar to my meals!

eAsy pRepArAtiOn!

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Nowadays, I always look for easy recipes that can be prepared fresh in the air fryer in 15 minutes. The frozen prepared mixture of butter and garlic is a very nice solution. It goes almost with all kinds of seafood and it is delicious.

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