My sleeping disorder was also gone. It seems that when my gut is happy, the rest of my body is also happy. Funny! The result, unexpected, is so surprising however it is extremely efficient. I’ll keep feeding my microbiome with fibers then :).

“L’été 2021 sera sec et chaud selon Météo France”: Someone predicted that the summer 2021 would be dry and warm. So far it has been rainy and sometimes cold in the morning even. We did have a week or two where it was quite hot mid-June. I wanted my plants to enjoy more light. I […]


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I ate my mushrooms and it was scrumptious!


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It is time to harvest my mushrooms.


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Just in few days the mushrooms grew big!


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I was part of the count of people who got their shot on the 30th of June 2021:


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My mushrooms are getting huge!


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