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Cold thai salad which is delicious:


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From time to time I fancy drinking beers, like once per month. I usually tend to drink too much as if I could still drink 6 beers. Since my body is no longer used to alcohol, I get the worse hang-over the next day. The good thing about it is that it immediately took away […]

A steam bowl of frozen veggies for only 1 Euros and 5 minutes in a microwave is the perfect healthy meal I needed: quick, healthy meal and extremely convenient to prepare.


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In my quest for diversity for my single meal per day, I enjoy these pre-made meals. They are quite expensive unless you select the ones that are about to expire. I tried tons of them and found a few ones that I enjoyed a lot.


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My weight is getting a bit too low now, I need to eat more and I am very happy that I can do that.


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I had a really bad cut at one of my toe fingers. Luckily, it was superficial and it did not prevent me from doing my regular exercises. Trying hard to avoid any injuries. The last two injuries, my severe sprained ankle and forearm, took over 9 months to heal. They still lingered nowadays as a […]


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Tons of cheap mangoes on sale and I spent like 10 min selecting 6 of the best and the biggest ones every time I went to the store to buy them.


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Mashed potatoes sticks with spinach inside! Delicious and the smell is delicious from the oven.


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Would anyone do a speedtest on their MI S TV box? I did!

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