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Free Guy was entertaining to watch and Foundation was so so, too much liberty with regards to the original story.

tHe PrIcE!

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A whiplash (torticolis), diarrhea, constipation, lost of apetite, a permanent headache for 24 hours and, worse of all, I have lost all memory of what I did the night before. That hangover was really painful. Luckily, it is almost over now and I am eating well.


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I should not drink sweet alcoholic drinks like if they were coca-cola. Indeed 18% of alcohol is a lot for 2 bottles even though they taste great. I got one of the worse hang-over and felt shitty all day long. At least, the pain will prevent a new attempt soon.


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The goal for next year is to have more varieties of chilies.


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I was biking around the lakes and, of course, it is the favourite place for newlywed couples to take pictures on their bid day. All I could think of after seeing a perfect couple posing for their pictures yesterday was: “how much it would cost to have 1 photographer and 2 technicians and …with a […]

Last year, I hurt my ankle and my right arm badly and even though they both healed, I can still feel something nowdays, a little reminder of the injuries. However, I changed my eating habit for the best and for the rest of my life: one single meal per day. I have never been healthier, […]

Time to time, I enjoyed a delicious and simple meal: Korean Ramen.


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I was deceived by the remake of Dune, too many short and impressive images instead of a story. Like the remake of Blade runner by the same director: Denis Villeneuve.

Nowadays, I rarely train specifically for running, I just go for a run every month or so, and yet, I was never as fast as a runner. The key to proper training is really to train the entire body with a variety of exercises that take it out of its comfort zone. Doing many different […]


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