nEw WorLd!

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I had to buy and try the most played game and the most streamed on Twitch at the moment! It was launched on September 28 (7 days ago) and it is quite fun.

The foot callus was removed in 48 hours with only 2 patches! It was really efficient and I was impressed.


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I am hooked on Twitch live streaming! After 21:00, I usually stopped playing games online with other players so that I do not bother my family with the chat. However, I wanted to keep on streaming live games I enjoyed such as World of Warcraft or the Legend of Zelda and also be part of […]

At the moment, seven chillie trees have undergone the process of “overwintering”. We shall see if any will survive the process. It was too much to make a small bonchie for each of them so it will be a “mass bonchie” process.

FooT CoRn!

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I’ve got to treat my foot callus that could become a corn if I wait longer. It is just thick skins building up over a small part of the foot that is under more pressure than the rest of the foot. It is due to my foot shape and the exercises I am practicing every […]


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I am trying to prepare my chilie trees for the coming winter, and hopefully, I could save a few of them for next year and have a quicker start than starting them from seeds or buying them from the store. So I am trimming them down and harvest all the chilies even the green ones.

As soon as I am a little too low (55.1 kgs), I immediatly eat a bit more cheese 🙂 and my weight bounces back immediatly, 56 kgs.


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The fat was very subtle, it went unoticed for many years until it was either irrevesible or you realized the dramatic trend and accepted the fact that you were fat. The very thin limit of perfection between being “normal” and being “underweight” is 55.5 kgs for me, that was why I chose that number for […]

fLU shOT!

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I’ve got my first flu shot 2021/2022. I will buy another flu vaccine from a different company in 2 weeks. As usual, I am among the firsts to get vaccinated and I enjoy shooting myself with the vaccine.

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