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I am quite happy these days and I did not feel like eating anything special. Maybe my diet is providing me with everything my body needs.


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Horrible headache! I was in a very good mood and drank a bit too much Friday night. My brain is as tense as an arc string.


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I received 30 e-Euros for free to bet online and I played Black Jack. I noticed the amount of virtual money I wasted: 98.5 Euros with the initial e-Euros. So far quasi stable! I kept on winning little amounts and then loosing the exact same amounts. I limited myself to 100 Euros per week, so […]


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When the idea of a murphy bed got stuck in my head!


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I guess it is time to eat more cheese :). My dad brought back a lot of cheese and yogurts. It was not bad to try something new, I rarely bought expensive stuffs when it comes to food.


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NO TIME TO DIE was an excellent James Bond movie, the ETERNALS was quite deceiving.

My heart rate is directly linked to my consumption of alcohol. As soon as I stopped beers, my resting heart beat is 46-49 bpm (athlete level) and it went up as soon as I drink again. It is also linked to my stress level.

dA sPiDer!

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I’ve had this spider all summer on the top left corner of my window. I wonder if the spider will go away when there is no more insects to catch during the winter. I checked on it almost every day when I wake up.

a CoLD!

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Looks like I could not dodge the second cold that came by. A minor sore throat and some sneezing so far. Nothing too serious!


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I canceled the transaction for my Google Nest , 2nd generation, the last minute on the site “leboncoin” because I realized that the quality of the sound was excellent and also because I am still a gadget hoarder! 🙂 . It was quite hard to get rid of all these gadgets that I bought. I […]

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