Not too bad so far, the WHEEL OF TIME from Robert Jordan is a very long book serie. I started to read it. The Tv adaptation from Amazon prime is quite good so far.

I have the impression that I had more than 4 cherry shrimps full of eggs!

Trying to add these frozen butter, garlic and parsley mix to my pre-made dough to make homemade garlic bread!

A nurse will come and give us our 3rd shot of the Covid 19 vaccin at home, next Thursday (Dec 2) as a group. Luxury service for free :)! I took a separate appointment for my brother for Dec 30 since he received his 2nd shot 2 months after us.


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Since it is cold, I tried these pre-made doughs (or frozen) to be grilled at home. The hot and crunchy crescents out of the oven were scrumptious. The bread were excellent, crunchy and hot… maybe too crunchy!

I am trying to have > 25 grams of fiber intake daily. In terms of food, I should approximatively get something above 30 grams of fiber to stay healthy. 1. Baguette = 4 g 2. Apple = 4 g 3. Kiwi = 4 g 4. Kaki = 4 g 5. 2 Mandarins = 4 g […]


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After two or three months, I usually went to get my haircut in Chinatown, Paris. I was so happy I got used to my white grey hair. It used to stir a shock when I first saw them after my haircut. My favorite barber shop and the viet sandwich store were sadly both closed due […]

I am disabling all phone notifications however they usually come back few months later!


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I am not a big fan of TOOGOODTOGO for bakery stuffs, I gave a 1/5 grade to Chronodrive/bakery.


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No alcohol during the weekend! Yeaaa, the pain from last week was quite effective in preventing any early relapse.

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