Perfect weather for a chicken soup!

The commonly expected sore shoulder the day after the booster shot occured of course. As soon as I started my daily work-out, it was almost gone.

3rD doSe!

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We just received our Covid 19 booster shot – Pfizer (3rd dose) like very good school kids who behaved well in class. The nurse came and did an amazing job. Our covid passes were instantly renewed as well. We belonged to the early group of people who got their vaccine boosters.


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I had very cold hands yesterday and it was very annoying. I just did not have enough sleep and I was weak due to the simple fact that I drank a whole bottle of wine. No matter what I did I could not get them warm long enough until I did my daily workout. Today […]


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The most important and relaxing thing on Earth for me.

It took me a lot of time and energy to quit WoW, then I struggled to leave Eldritch Horror after 4 months then I finally got rid of Gloomhaven two days ago. Every time, it required so much mental energy and, usually, I kicked everyone I played with on my way out in a dramatic […]

I spotted one tiny baby shrimp today! It means more to come the next few days.

Not too bad so far, the WHEEL OF TIME from Robert Jordan is a very long book serie. I started to read it. The Tv adaptation from Amazon prime is quite good so far.

I have the impression that I had more than 4 cherry shrimps full of eggs!

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