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I knew I did my squads incorrectly since the beginning because the keywords were : “AS LOW AS YOU CAN”. Since the corrections, my butts were sore. They are indeed one of the hardest routines in a workout.


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The stiff lower back is gone! I immediatly found the right solutions on Youtube: stretching exercises and warm patches were indeed the most efficient solutions and the quickest. Now I need to keep up the healthy habits, which would be the hardest part.

8 different fruits per day to stay healthy: 1 khaki, 1 kiwi, 1 banana, 1 peach, 1 apple, a few grappes , 1 avocado, 2 mandarins.


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I was a bit confused when I read the packaging of meals which used kcal as unit because nutritionists used Calories when recommending the daily intake for men or women (~2400 Cal). In fact, they used “Cal” with a capital C meaning 2400 kcal. I am nowadays in a Calorie deficit diet and I have […]


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The first time I got vaccinated twice, I had to wait for all the prioritized old people, however, for the second time, I was amongst the fastest people 🙂 because plenty of doses were available. I just had to be the most immaginative and I found a new way to reserve my apointment: nurse instead […]


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I tried these new stuffs my dad brought home. In order of preference, I would choose the normal and expensive cheese over the trendy almond or soy bean yogurts. The later tasted more artificial with added flavors than natural cheese.

nO Fat!

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A good control of my weight over 1 year, the difference between last December and this year is now less than 3.5 kgs : 59-55.5 kgs. I am sitting on a perfect plateau around 55.5 kgs and I have no intention of moving away from this perfect number.

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