sOrE bUtT!

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After the hard run, a sore butt, an excellent resting heart beat and the stress was all the way down to a perfect low level. I probably need to run weekly or bi-weekly. It did take 3-4 days to recover from these hard training sessions.


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Not my best time but not too bad! I was afraid of getting hurt so I did not push much at the start.


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It is funny to notice that the fundamentals of my well being are linked to two simple things: eating and sleeping. The resulting health benefit is … pooping well. My stomach is very healthy these days: no bloating, no diarrhea, nothing even after eating spicy foods.

My back is getting much better when I sleep on the ground. I think that my back bones are better aligned on a hard surface than a soft mattress that falls under the weight of my body.


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Traditional vietnamese meals.


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I had to finish the 12 bottles of wine I bought and stopped the drinking trend! The stress level showed the perfect trend of 1 bottle and half of wine per day. It was not too bad for my stomach however great disturbances in the sleeping pattern and the mood swing.

130 eURoS!

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I returned my Xbox One S for 130 Euros cash back. I’ve barely used it myself. I will never be a console gamer but a PC gamer. Skadia seems to be a good idea, a controller and Chromecast.


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Tons of proteins in this islandic yogurt: 10 grams of proteins per 100 grams!


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Very useful tool to scracth the back or apply moisturizers wherever your hands cannot reach!

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