Thanks to a very warm winter, the citrus trees are doing great. The flowers started to blossom again.

These frozen packs of berries are delicious, they are quite expensive and hard to find during the winter but these frozen packs are quite affordable and easy to eat. They also kept a lot of excellent nutrients in their frozen state.

Id caRd!

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I wanted to replace my huge ugly ID card with the new one, more secured and more compact therefore I had to declare mine as “stolen” and pay 25 Euros. It will take 2 months or so to receive the new ID card.


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Baby shrimps are doing great!


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Everything is perfectly stable at their lowest level! Yea!!!!!


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It’s been 2 days into the new year and I am currently at a low stress level record. I shall keep it that way.


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It takes a lot of motivation to work-out the day after the run to get rid of all muscles cramps and stiffness: stretching + warm-up + daily training sessions are best to quickly recover normal body motions.


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I bought again a whole pack of 12 boxes for .99 Euros/box (100 grams). I just love physallis. I easily ate 2-3 boxes per day.

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