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My best running time during a daily training routine, I improved my record by 6 seconds: 4.48 minutes per km.


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I was offered a cheaper deal (14 Euros) to my 1 year Flickr account after I canceled the regular one that cost me 65.99 Euros. I jumped on the kick-ass deal right away and get my extra year.


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My Weekly Routine!


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Excellent food always cheered me up!


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It is time to start germinating the hottest chilie peppers in the world!

nIce Run!

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I had a lot of sleep (> 9 hours) and the run was perfect! It seems that 4.54 minutes per km remains my best time and it will be hard to beat that in the future. I could run as fast twice so far.

Playing with newbies nowdays has become a bit painful. I was such a noob when I started this game however after hundreds of hours of gameplay, I got to the hardest level and I really do not enjoy playing with people who waste their turns in burning cards.

As soon as I drink wine again, the heart rate was unstable. Gotta be a good boy otherwise bad running time!

It is quite delicious.

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