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I will eat fruits for lunch from now on and see how my weight will change. Since my stomahc has shrunk it is very hard to eat more in one single meal per day.


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I need to eat more proteins and fat to keep the weight up. Since the one meal per day is a deficit calorie diet, my weight will always go down.


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It is growing slowly but quite nicely. We have to add more seeds after we mow the lawn the first time. The weather is still cold but the sun is there.


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bAc mAp!

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“bac map”, my dad’s sister, died. We did not keep close contact with her after we left Vietnam. She went with her daughter to the US.

I should have avoided the stinky mussels my dad brought back. I got really sick during the night. Food poisonning! My brother was sick the day before. My parents got a cold. Everyone was sick and stayed in bed the whole day.

I just broke my personnal running record. All I need is a good sleep: 4.43 min/km.

dA gLOoM!

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I am still addicted to this damn game: Gloomhaven. I play it on deadly difficulty and I try to avoid newbies. I mostly play with another gamer and only that one.


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I finally found the courage to resume my swimming training. It was quite nice, very relaxing indeed.


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Very stable now, maybe a bit low at 54.2 kg but it is so easy to gain weight.

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