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Dune Imperium IX (the extension) was quite fun to play with and I was glad I learned to play it. A lot of online players at least to keep me entertain.


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The Batman was excellent! Very violent and a deep story!


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I had a very bad night and only slept for 2 hours and half. I am hoping for a recovery night today.


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I ran much faster than I anticipated. I was not in the mood for a challenging run however, once I started the run, my heart just kept on pumping air into my lungs and everything was working out smoothly, the mental pain was under control.


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I displayed obsessional behaviors when I get addicted to a specific game: World of Warcraft, Eldritch Horror, Gloomhaven, etc … I do not even know people I play with and I rarely shared anything personnal with these avatars/players. It is however extremely hard to quit a group of avatars. There is one solution to avoid […]


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Excellent! I watched the premiere of The Secret of Dumbledore and I shall attend a second session this Tuesday.

It’s been a long time since I had a cold shower. It was quite revigorating.

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