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It will take years before any smartphone camera can compete with a DSLR camera Nikon D200 vs Iphone 12:

Twisting, turning, bending and stretching! Like a miracle, all the stiffness of the neck, back and gluts are gone the day after and you feel much better.


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Soothing ballade!


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I do not think I have enough screens even though 7 is quite nice.


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Good sleep, low heart rate!

I’ve declared war to all the summer bugs! I am testing the most effective way to get rid of these pets. So far, a simple long ribbon coated with glue on its surface caught hundreds of bugs easily each day. The more sophisticated traps only caught a handful of them.

niCe Tan!

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I’ve got a nice tan on my face and my arms thanks to the sun and the regular biking sessions.

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