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Thanks to Amazon, I could return the blue version of my “Yeti Blue” microphone for a cheaper one (-7 Euros), it is however in white and I do not mind at all!


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Just to make sure I am not missing any goodies from my healthy diet, once per week, I take one of these supplements. I really do not think I need them but who knows, it can only help :).

It is indeed a very simple routine to wake up and feel good.

Healthy weekly routines! About an hour and 35 minutes of intensive minutes per day!

My two favorite seafood dishes! Very easy to prepare also!

Funny, only the right side of my neck is stiff. Trying to fix it with everyday morning stretching routine.


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It will take years before any smartphone camera can compete with a DSLR camera Nikon D200 vs Iphone 12:

Twisting, turning, bending and stretching! Like a miracle, all the stiffness of the neck, back and gluts are gone the day after and you feel much better.

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