The older I get and the more I love these very moldy cheese, I just love the taste of the moldy crust: it’s called “Le Valencay”

Delicious and so cheap!

It is almost over, indeed, my back and neck stifness are almost gone after few days of daily stretching. I do not like beeing bothered by these two elements of my spine since they are very important for the rest of my body motion and fluidity. They are also very critical parts of the body […]


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Lovely podcast to explain smart things in a simple manner. I thought I knew about these new delivery services such as Uber Eats …, their purpose, their economic models… In fact, I knew very little before I listened to this podcast, as a bonus, Metaverse was also explained at the end.

Finally, I recharged my Toyota Yaris’ air conditioning system for 59 Euros. I stopped by the garage to pump up my car’s tires and the AC service was available, and more importantly, the waiting lane was short.

No more gums sensitivity for a while with this healthy daily routine:


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Very healthy and delicious salad!

Peer pressure is a very annoying thing I notice, people end up doing things they did not really want to do or repeat one thing they’ve agreed to one day over and over again so that a group is happy. Most of the time, I want to do things that only I want to do. […]

2.7 kGs!

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That is about how many kilograms I need to loose to be at 55.5 kgs.

I know that my mother does not give a shit about plants, she is just waiting for the right moment to throw them away when people loose interest. God only knows why she is strange in her head. Therefore, I hate it when my mother faked any interest and tried to cut them, or organized […]

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