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Everywhere on the TV, we heard record hot temperature, however, during the night yesterday and this morning, I had the impression it was …cold. I also went for cycling yesterday evening and it was hot when exposed to direct sunlight but there was also a cold breeze in the shades. Strange, maybe Covid 19 made […]

I was glad I’ve kept my humidificator. It works well against heat waves.


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Basically, Covid 19 did not change my routine. Indeed, I was able to go out and practice my daily cycling exercises which improved greatly the breathing by the way. It was just annoying during the night the first 2 days: lots of coughing and painful throat. The lingering lost or change of smell and taste […]

For 339 Euros, I will try the Garmin Fenix 6 Pro and see if I like it. My Garmin Vivoactive 3 is getting old even though it does the job perfectly.

My dad received contradictory results for his Covid 19 tests: one positive auto-test at home and one negative at the drugstore under professional supervision. The professional recommended that my dad does another PCR test for a final confirmation at a laboratory.

A pair of unknown birds is catching a lot of worms from our luxurious garden. They always have a mouthfull of worms everytime they stop by, meaning more than 5 times per day. We chase them away because they dig into the soil and leave a huge mess behind however we do not harm them. […]

Tv ShOW!

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Excellent TV Show available on Hulu (US). I downloaded and watched all 8 episodes yesterday.

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