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Last Wednesday, I had to stop my run after 600 meters because I was too tired and out of breath. Indeed, the day before I spent like 2 hours and 40 minutes on the bike during the heatwave peak and I was exhausted. I am glad I could resume the normal speedy run today as […]

I did not like the taste but I enjoy the view of these baby cucumbers.

Tons of new data provided by the fancy sportwatch!

Finally, the neck stiffness was gone. It was the most annoying spot to take care of. I am feeling so much more relaxed and happier today.


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Finally, the long and painful heatwave is over! Coincidentally, it happened when I caught Covid 19! I do not know if it made it worse but it was painful to have to endure both events simultaneously.

The mozarella di bufala was on sale. Usually I do not enjoy the tasteless mozarella made with cow milk. This one is made with a wild type of buffalo in Italy. It was delicious, fresh and creamy when you bite into the tiny balls of cheese.


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Very effective stretching exercise for the trapezius, it is the last spot of tension I want to fix.


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Back to normality! Since March 7 2022, I stopped the strict diet and my weight went up of course. I went back to a stright diet two weeks ago to keep things under control. My weight should be back to its optimum (55.5 kgs) in a day or two. What kept me doing the one-meal […]


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Excellent resting heart rate and stress level!


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Covid 19 did not leave a pleasant feeling for sure. I am glad it is over now. What worked best was drinking a lot and rest. I did none of that: I drank beers, used the wrong drugs for a regular cold and went for my regular cycling. So I probably suffered a bit more […]

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