lyN & ToM

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This has to be the standard from now on! I am feeling so relaxed after this nice sleep.

The records showed perfectly stable physiological data for a whole week. I do feel a lot more relaxed and happier! No unstable shit, consistency and repetition of healthy habits were excellent for the body and the mind.

My stomach autoregulates itself quite nicely these days, it does not want to go below 56 kgs and it reminds me of the starvation state quite effectively every 2 weeks. I do not force myself, I just stay alert on what to eat to remain healthy. It is hard to keep up with diversity and […]


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Nice harvest!

These battle ropes exercises look fancy and I would surely try them someday however I am currently restricted in terms of space. I saw an old dude trying it during my bike run, he looked like a weirdo doing battle ropes in public.

gOoD bOY!

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I’ve been good and I stayed away from beers for more than a week. I simply cannot stop when I start drinking beers. Sadly beers disturbed greatly my sleeping patterns and have a huge impact on my daily mood.

nIcE vIew!

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A nice little view from my brother’s side! All rooms have access to the garden which is quite nice, more space and better view.

To make it even easier, I bought bio milk Kefir and use it (1/4 of 500 ml) as starter to make more Kefir since it is made of bacteria, so if you feed them with raw milk without even heating, they keep multiplying perfectly as expected. It works just fine!

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