One apartment near the swimming pool 24 job applications 2 negative answers That is where things are right now!

That is very unusual for Ireland!!! A day to remember!

I woke up in the middle of the night and I could not resume my sleep. I thought the day would be bad but it seems Okay. The morning wake-up was rough though. I sent more job applications and I got into the routine now. Not much to do anymore, I found pretty much everything […]

45 min!

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That was how long I had to wait for the bus to come today on my way back. It was wet, cold and windy! I was miserable. I need to find the 39 bus stop, the 38 is way to slow and not frequent enough. I spent 80 Euros on a pair of waterproof shoes, […]

I am just waiting for the dumb PPS letter to come. I had strange dreams yesterday, I got two post-docs positions, I only remember the one in Singapore. Strange since I do not want any post-docs positions. I woke up happy…that was my night. I had a delicious frozen meal for lunch. I will never […]

I really hate it when other people’s mistakes make me loose precious time. Because of the landlord’s mistake on the lease agreement, I got an incomplete postal address. I had to go back to the Social Welfare Office to correct it today. I should have been more careful. My flatmates made it sound so easy […]

My blog got an update. It is almost invisible except that the thumbnails have their dimensions changed! With a colder weather, I have to put on 2-3 layers of clothes. It makes me feel weird after many years in short and T-shirt. I have the impression of being heavier and that I can not move […]

This is depressing, it rains almost every single day here in Ireland. The temperature has dropped also and we had some hail the last two days! I discovered that the address in my lease contract isn’t complete, I needed to add the street. That means I will have some delays for my PPS number since […]


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Extremely good show! I am watching ep3 as I am writing this post. I knew I recognised the main character, Dexter, but I had to read on IMDB that he was in “Six Feet Under”. I met more people at the pool. The world is small at the pool but here in this HUGE high […]

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