Once you’ve found the optimum conditions for growth, these chilie trees grow everyday 2-3 cms easily. I need to see some seeds from the Carolina Reaper! I will either trim them down or move them out of their paradise setup in the next few weeks.


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My body is a bit sore from the indoor HIIT workout. It has been a while that I have not practiced or more precisely used these types of muscles.

I woke up at 4:30 am, took a showerp, drank 2 smoothies and a cup of coffee, turned Youtube on whatever is relaxing then I started grading student papers. It is very strange however my brain is very happy at the end of the day. It has all the mental exercises it requires. Both body […]

My little garden’s growth seems unstoppable now!

I found it very convenient to have these dual USB/USB-C drives, I can indeed copy files stored on the cloud and make it available for any other devices immediately from my Iphone 15. No more PC + an internet plug or Wifi required! Just my IPhone 15 and the 4G/5G connection.


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It worked! For a while, I was wondering if the indications on my Garmin Fenix 6 Pro watch were accurate. It recorded yesterday a very long REM phase and, indeed, I had long but very vivid dreams. They were unpleasant however they seemed so real!

dA tHirD!

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My third batch batch is joining the fun and is now at its cruising speed. Once they reach that amount of leaves, they grow everyday.


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Nothing can stop my chilie trees when they are on their growth curve!

100 eUroS!

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If I was wiser, I would have stopped right there, since I was not, I only stopped at 50 Euros! Still a good feeling of winning!

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