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If only I knew how much money I would be getting as a teacher for 15 hours / week! I would be a teacher earlier! I received 2746 Euros this month!

I was part of a group of teachers who were responsible for the preparation of the final subject of the French famous exam: ” le baccaulauréat”. I was not really supposed to do so because I was still under a fixed-term contract and I was not part of their public system yet. Anyways, I noticed […]


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I’ve just realized I just got out of a shitty situation: hard teaching schedule, multiple levels of classes, weak but annoying students, annoying parents and finally useless administrative staff members. I got rid of all of these stupid shit in a very effective move and I am much happier now: quietly yet highly effective checkmate […]


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To understand people, I always asked myself: what do they want and what is the order of priority in their logic. It is simple and very effective.


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My little forest is almost out of control! Lightning, temperature and fertilizer, everything looks perfectly optimized.


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Time time time …. The more you have the better your life is! My mood is also much better with a lot of free time in hands.

Tons of them now!

vAn LiFe!

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i would love to try for a week or two a luxurious van life!


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Two accidents involving my Yaris’ window and windshield! Luckily the insurance covered most of it however I still had to pay 80 Euros each time.


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Today is going to be a really really great day! I am trying a new trend to lift up my spirit.

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