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I am feeling so great this morning! So relaxed!

The Carolina Reaper is taking shape now, let’s hope it will look like the REAL one! There are a lot more flowers blossoming and there will be plenty of fruits from now on.

Society itself is changing however most people believe there are fixed set of rules. Life is all about exceptions and the more flexible you are the better are your options.

We shall finally see if this is a true Carolina Reaper from its very first chilie.

I should have listened to my Garmin Fenix 6 Pro and called it off since I was overreaching in my training. I had a minor sprained ankle due to a misstep, I was not even running but I did hurt myself a little but. I should see tomorrow if it was just a minor bruise […]


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I am very good at detecting loopholes! What if I do not declare the fact that I no longer use my yearly subscription to the train because it is easier to use my car? I would still receive the refund of 51 Euros per month since nobody can check that or would even think about […]


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Who would have guessed that the French public academia would give me 175 Euros to help me buy computer related stuff? Surely not me!


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Tons of chilies of all kind! They even got ripe and changed colors!


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It is funny that we, my brother and I ended up being teachers. Time and freedom are the best qualities of the job. I do get along with kids, I mean in a short timeframe and only when I am the teacher.


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I am loving this good sleep trend! My mind is so light and I am feeling so great!

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