10 kms!

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I had to take a week off from sport because of my neck pain (torticollis). Today I resumed the 10 kms and it was very smooth and extremely enjoyable.


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I bought the mother colony of a SCOBY(symbiotic colony of bacteria and yeast) on Ebay: LINK Health benefits: LINK


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These scumbags are horrible. When I was at court, there were only 3 trials: the lawyer against me was one hour late, one lawyer thought his trial was for the afternoon and the last lawyer was not even there! The judge commented loudly: The trials were scheduled for 9:30 not 12! When finally the lawyers […]


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I almost had an irrepressible laugh today at court. The judge was reading the accusations against me in which I insulted the secretaries of the social landlord of our building (they own half of the building). ————– The judge: Do you deny these insults? Me: Absolutely not! I went straight to the problems and I […]

I really love the postal online service for sending registered letters. All I needed was my letter in pdf or Word formats and I would enter the same postal information. I do not enjoy waiting in line at the post office to send registered letters anymore.


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It was good but the salary offer is low compared to the other offers and the prospect for the future is not that great meaning same job for 3-4 years then leave! I prefer the other kick ass job offer with a lovely environment. We shall see!


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I have another job interview tomorrow.  My neck is getting better but it is still painful, it is less rigid. Ironically, I just received an email from one of our internet provider, SFR, saying that our building is connected to optical fiber with 1 Gb/sec and I am thinking about moving to the center of […]


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Another neck pain (torticolis), really painful! I get those because I like sleeping on the ground near my TV and computer screens!

I am not bad at cooking this dish: “lapin à la moutarde” = rabit with mustard. I discarded the fresh cream from the recipe and added more mustard and white wine. Recipe: Youtube LINK


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Quite good, and this time, it looks like there is no “open space” and the work environment is lovely and I really think I can easily manage and enjoy this job: mainly what I did previously. Fingers crossed! A second interview is scheduled for September the 20th with the president of this association.

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