Very bad sleep and intense stress level: Who said being a teacher was easy!

I returned home early on Tuesday afternoon as I have an alternating schedule every other week. My mother, who had spent the previous week checking my arrival time daily since I hadn’t shared my timetable, entered my room to clean it according to her preferences. I dislike her habit of secretly checking on people and […]

I was awake late, thinking about all my classes for the coming week. Having too many short sessions with only 2 hours per week makes it hard to track the progress. I prefer to teach high school classes. The sleep was not too bad despite being short; stress is the main parameter that can greatly […]

Since I know exactly what to look for, I can correct my stress and sleep deviations quickly! I have removed all the fake life drama created by my mind and the daily bad habits that were self-inflicted damages.

gOoD DeAl!

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I was looking for a laser printer, and this seems to be a good deal: a printer and toner!

As I get older, I have to accept the fact that my body requires more care. I cannot eat the things I want (Asian food) if I want to stay healthy and keep the doctor away. My dad keeps going to the toilet because he keeps filling his stomach with food that his body can […]

Thanks to stress, my weight is down to 56.2 kg! Now, everything is under control. I just need a little bit of organization and preparation for next week, and everything will be okay.


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Very good! I am getting back to normal! The lack of sleep was very unpleasant.

I am looking for the miracle recipe to decrease my stress level. Teaching so many students is a real challenge in terms of stress management. I am glad I have a lot of nice students this year, private schools have better students in general because they come from richer parents.

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