neW diEt!

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Trying a new diet: sardines + frozen purée of veggies + tons of fresh fruits smoothies. Great sleep, low stress, good work-out! Unexpected result: no craving!


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For almost 10 years, my passport was my main ID card when I worked, lived and traveled abroad. I just renewed my passport and received a new one. All my ID cards were renewed: ID, driving license and passport cards.

My new Carolina Reaper trees are growing fast and they are beautiful in my room under perfect heat and lightning conditions! I am just waiting for the first flower blossoms to make sure they reach maturity before moving them out of their comfortable Aerogarden (nursery), maybe one more week. The weather remained unstable the last […]

Don’t we all dream about financial freedom before retirement? I am reading and checking about all possible paths: investment, online jobs, part time jobs, etc … I never believed in a weird 9-5 schedule jobs until retirement. It was never meant for me.


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As long as it does not rain, I do not mind the bad weather. I still go out cycling and the park remains empty which is nice. Now that I can correctly protect my chilie trees against the moody weather, it does not matter much to me how cold, windy or wet the weather will […]

My weight, 57.3 kg, smoothly converges to its final target point: 56.5 kg! It does not look like it but the last kilogram is always the hardest. It indeed reaches the limit of the comfortable zone.


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I felt weird yesterday after receiving the Covid-19 booster. Tired muscles and maybe a bit of mild fever. I could not pinpoint exactly where I got hurt but I did not feel comfortable with my whole body after cycling. It seems that I received the updated version of Omicron: XBB.1.5 lineage.


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I received my Covid-19 booster today (6th). I did not enjoy the symptoms when I caught Covid-19 therefore the vaccine booster hopefully will avoid unnecessary future complications if there are any. I know it will not prevent me from getting Covid-19 but any chance of decreasing the risk is worth a shot.


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I told my dad to stop telling me what they make (or not) for dinner, it was just one of the weird and useless ritual that only my mother enjoys. I really did not enjoy her cycle – one or two days of good Vietnamese meals then quick stuffs such as Chinese ramen or frozen […]

From seeds to fully grown trees in just 1 month and half!

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