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It took all of my energy to do some administrive stuff: modify my private insurance coverage, caceling my stupid fitness park and recover the money. I enjoy being busy because it makes me forget about my every day routine but it takes a lot of energy.


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I was so busy with work that I did not see the end of the week! However it is the weeeeeeeeeekend! Sleeping and shopping and sight seeing in Paris.


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I requested 3 nights in Bruxelles for work. let’s see if it will be accepted. At least everyone is warned … so no bad surprise.


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It was a nice run in the park however I had a painful cramp during the night.

4 mOnThS!

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It will be soon the end of my trial period and I will have a permanent contract. So far I enjoyed everything I did; It was chaos and I love that!


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I had a very busy Monday with 3 meetings all organised by myself. It all went smoothly and many things were covered.


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I canceled my Fitness Park subscription. Not really my thing.

The only way not to fall apart and have my body back the way it was:

la BoUlE!

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Funny and scary ride in Paris:


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I am planning on a 4 days visiting Paris and its wonders.

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