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I managed to set all the devices at our place under the same network (192.168.1.xx). It is always a bit tricky when you have 2 routers (the internet provider router and your own private router). The private router needs to be set on “access point mode” in order to avoid the creation of a subnet […]


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Starting the funny avocado seeds and see how it grows:


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My fastest time in a year! It was not the best compared to when I was training with the Australians but it was OK. It is very hard to gain every second from now on.

I am reaching my lowest weight (59,8 kgs) since August (66,2 kgs) and I am running at my fastest speed. It only seems logical that, when I was fat, I had lower performances.

Intermittent fasting worked fine for me. 2-3 days of adaptation and with some determination, it became a healthy habit. I added intense workout sessions to it so that I could accelerate the weight loosing process. Besides loosing the belly, all the fat everywhere disappeared and it was funny to appreciate how hard the butt could […]

During Monday night, I had a bit of fever due to muscle sprains and the heavy work during the weekend I presumed. I ran again on Tuesday and everything seems ok on Wednesday. I shall resume my stretching and cardio workouts. My back was perfectly fine which was great!

I had a wrist sprain and I was hoping that it was minor. My mistake was to use my hands to lift something at arm’s length instead of moving it with 2 hands closer to the center of gravity of my body. The cold compress lifted the pain immediately.

On my sis’ recommendation for an ostheopath, I tried hers and it was perfect. The ostheopath unlocked all the frozen zonee in m sipne and said that I was just fine and whatever was not fine was fixed because it was minor! His conclusion was, keep doing all the training you are doing and everything […]


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My studio should be rented now! cool!

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