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It’s healthy day today: Raw salmon Suhsi style menu, Carpaccio of beef, Mixed Salad. Lots of cycling since it’s shiny outside and and NO BEER DAY! I’ve had a deal with myself, I can eat anything I want between 16:30 – 17:30 and after that I can only eat fruits if I am still hungry. […]


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I am diversifying my food to be healthier, lots of salad mix of all kind from different brands. The air fryer made it very easy to grill quickly a piece of meat of salmon just for me.


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Greener however more sunlight is needed!


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I bought a mushroom starter kit and see if it works. If it grows I will re-use the grains already inside and expand it instead of growing from the start. It seems easier and safer to get results this way.

I tried this expensive royal jelly, the nectar from bees that fed the larvea! It was simply not good! Bitter and not tasty! It cost like 350 Euros/kg!


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Another running record, my best time of the year combined to a perfect weight. It seemed that I did it all wrong before. I ran much more regularly and I barely improved. All it took was, drop 10 kgs, take a huge break due to the ankle sprain, train every other parts of the body […]


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My favorite park was closed for 2 weeks before the lockdown. Luckily it was re-opened during lockdown to allow people to get out and get some fresh air. I was relieved since it was my favorite playground for running and cycling.

I wanted to cook with a pressure cooker to speed up the process of making bone broth and avoid the 4 hours long of simmering! It took several tries to figure it out and to find the right program for the simmering mode. It will make my life much easier.

Just before the confinement, I bought four of my favorite Viet dishes since I would not be able to go back to Paris for a month:


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It took me some time to find the perfect holder to add more chilie trees to my view! Finally, I found the right one and I will add more pot holders to it.

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