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I enjoyed these salads from the supermarket. I always bought expensive ones which were on sale (last day). I just ate the best parts and never hesitated to throw away cheap stuffs.

I tried these vegetable purees and they are quite delicious and extremely healthy. I am feeling very relaxed and calm when my gut is getting its daily dose of fibers. They are so easy to prepare when they are frozen.


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The national Viet dish, PHO, was delicious:


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I am quite sure I have all my vitamins and fiber daily intake covered today.


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The weather has been bad the last 2 weeks therefore I only did indoor trainings all that time and my butt is getting extra unintended workout. It was funny because I got a Youtube recommended video explaining all the good health benefits concerning … the butts. I learned a lot from the video, for example, […]


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I am trying to get a spot for the Covid-19 vaccine since everyone can get vaccinated if a spot reserved to prioritized people do not get filled in 24 hours. It is fun because a lot of people are trying like me. So far no luck!


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Today was the second attempt to reach perfection with the grass refilling. Many empty spots were already refilled nicely however, since we are very impatient, we wanted to speed the whole process as fast as we can. Meaning adding tons of seeds :). With the heat and the rain coming the next few days, the […]


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I’ve got beautiful strawberries to harvest and to eat soon :). The yellow tomatoes and the yellow chilies are perfect. None has died during the transition.


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It grows slowly but surely!

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