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I got another chance to get vaccinated again today. Funny how lucky I was since I tried to do the same for my brother and, of course, he has not received any email yet. I was very tempted to get vaccinated again but it would be very selfish. I will wait until there are tons […]


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7 dAyS!

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After 7 days without beers, my sleeping patterns became normal, my resting heart rate is at its all time low. All physiological indicators are perfectly normal. I am aiming at 55.5 kg (currently :56.5 kg).


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So I belonged to the 484 740 people who received the Covid-19 vaccine on Thursday May 20th 2021. It would be selfish trying to get an extra dose even though I am very tempted to see if I would succeed. I am a weirdo :).

Third time’s the charm! The garden is getting nearer to its perfection state:


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I love this “Fitness Experts Debunk 17 Exercises Myths” Youtube video, it is common sense however it is funny to see how they state the obvious simply: “One month is not enough to undo a lifetime of bad habits”. My own steps: 1.stop eating 2.stop drinking 3.stop avoiding 1 hour and half of daily physical […]


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As soon as I stopped the booze (Monday), my Resting Heart Rate became stable and low: 52 bpm (beats per minute) in the morning. I thought for a while that my Garmin watch was not accurate because of the variations, it was, in fact, the beers that disturbed my heart rate. I loved my new […]

I gladly went to get vaccinated with the “Moderna vaccine” after receiving an email from “Covidliste“, the platform that allows non-prioritized people to receive the Covid-19 vaccine when there is a free spot.  I was trying hard to get in front of the lane the last 8 days. It was really not worth all of […]


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In order to get rid of the last thin layer of fat on my stomach, I dropped the booze! No more beers since Monday night. It did great to my stomach: no more bloating, diarrhea, nausea, etc … I guess the only true motivation came from the desire to have these abs. My heart rate […]


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Very healthy food! My guts are feeling really good with all the fibers coming in especially the vegetable puree. They taste really good also and as a bonus I can eat a variety of vegetables in no time. It was as if I am going back in time and eat baby’s food.

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