In the end, we were 11 people at Springbrook at the same location. We lost 3 people at the beginning. They ended doing their own stuffs on the other side of the good location and they did a short tour and a BBQ. We had a lot of fun on our side and everyone enjoyed […]

Thanks to Daniela, I discovered the Brisbane couch surfing folks. Great people to hang out with. I had a great time yesterday! We went to the Gold Coast, spent sometimes at the beach and ended in Springbrook for a quick tour. We did not have a chance to see many things at Springbrook which is […]

There is nothing worse for an artist than the judgment of being false or not being true to his or her natural talent. I can indeed record my images as RAW and then use a program to optimize the light spectrum. It is not really “cheating” as if u were to change things using Adobe […]

I really enjoy Mt Cootha and I spent lots of my tim etoday trying to get the perfect pictures. I did get some nice ones with the birds..vey cute!

Some nice natural photos during my vacation

Such a pleasure to swim in a fresh river in a tropical forest. I do not know any better things to do right there. My poor fellow hikers are too picky about how they look to be natural.

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