Trying to upload my whole digital life onto Flickr, my life does look more colorful in a photo album. I find reality rather colorless and I was 40 years old yesterday! My current albums: Flickr LINK

I run or bike around the “Parc of Sausset” almost everyday. It is only 10 min away on bike from my place. The change of colors is really amazing: Flickr: LINK

Model like ones:

mY hOme!

Filed Under Daily, Nikon D200 | 1 Comment

Cold black and white and empty but all mine :).

My cousin would like to buy a camera and she is asking me questions in this post: link. Cameras and lenses are very expensive. About four years ago, I bought my Nikon D200 and I’ve never regretted it. If I have to buy a camera today the Nikon D700 would be my choice in a […]


Filed Under Daily, Nikon D200 | 1 Comment

It looks like that it was a bug that prevented me from inserting pics and the last update has corrected it. It was indeed annoying not to be able to do so since it improves the blog display. I am trying to fix every little detail that annoyed me but I did not have time […]

After two really nice weekends, here I am! Back to my every day routine. The trip to Glencoe in Scotland was very nice. It allowed me to see Scotland for the first time and on our way, I had a glimpse of Glascow. It reminded me of my trips to the Niagara Falls with my […]

I bought a tripod which allows me to take my own ID picture. Now I can say I have tried every single type of hair, from military short style to long hippie style. It was hard to have long hair. A lot of maintenance especially for a long distance swimmer but  I made it! It […]

I was lucky on Sunday with one or two shots. I really could capture the beauty of the scenery on Snowdon. The hike was boring, easy and slow even though I was supposed to be with fast people. What a pity! But I guess I had more time to take pictures. This is probably one […]

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