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I was simply lucky! I had a good guess and I got three questions right in the exam. I did not even spend time thinking about these questions. I just spent two hours and 15 minutes writing down my answers and adapting them to the specific cases. I was very happy, I finished 40 min before anyone and I was so tired I did not even want to stay and correct what I wrote. I just left the examination room and went home to have lunch.
Let see if I will be as lucky tomorrow with Intellectual Property. Chebet was a bit angry when she sent me a SMS asking me what my secret was because, when I left, she only started question 2 and had hardly enough time to finish question 3. I told her that I’ve only spent all my time answering past year exams. She was very surprised to know that I am capable of learning by heart word for word these answers. It seems that it would not be something she or other people would do. It seems that many people did not have enough time to finish their 3 questions. If there is any curving in the grading I am hoping it will bring mine higher.