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Today was a strange day. I tried to solve a water leak problem in our building and a technician was assigned by the insurance.

He was young and full of good will. I could sence it at the start. I did not say anything and I just helped… giving my warning at each dangerous steps he might find. Then, the awkward moment came, he entered an apartment to make his measurements and the couple burst out in a fight. I could hear every word and I chose to ignore them.

The technician came out a bit annoyed. I simply said .. “they fought hein?”. He said … “yea, did they know that I would stop by? …They fought each other hard there… They could just have told me to leave, I was trying to help.”

My answer to his feelings was so simple and humaine that I even surprised myself: “Forget it, you were not their target … so why take it personnally?” It was indeed none of our business.

The technician looked at me for 2 seconds and simply said “Ok, let’s move on”


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