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Because of the exam coming, I am stressed and I cannot control my sleeping pattern. I have decided to let it go. I will sleep whenever I need to recover and I no longer care about the time. If I stay up late, I just brush up on my LAW material nighttime. It seems working better. Of course I do suffer when I go to swim but I can sleep after. I wish I could move my swimming time but it is not possible because 50 m lanes are only open from 6:30 until 8:30 am and there are less slow pokes swimming at these hours. Anyway hell will be over next Wednesday. I cannot wait!
It is hard to learn by heart but I managed. Already 4 pages…2 to go for Intellectual Property Law. 6 more for Trade Mark Law. I really wonder if all this will help me to change my life. I am starting to have doubts. I guess one step at the time and we shall see. I really do not care much what I will do later as long as I do not do research anymore and I have a chance to make more money!