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Perfect Timing!
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After cleaning up my FLickr account. I went to clean up pictures on the Hiking Group Site. I was surprised to discover that the main page is finally displaying pictures from this year’s hikes. Consequently many of my pictures were displayed since I was the most regular photographer there. My pictures are the nicest of course!
I had a short night but I am feeling alright. I forced myself not to have a power nap during the day in order to get back to the regular healthy cycle. I finished Trade Mark Law exam and I am working on Intellectual Property Law. Only 11 days left to brush up on the exams. I started to target the most common questions and to work specifically on these.
Kat is back, we are 3 now in the dorm. Eveything seems back to normal in town and more students are returning each day. Amy is expecting to leave Greece on the 13th and she will go to Germany with her BF. She will probably stay there for few days before going back to Manchester. I really hope the canadian girl, Sharada will come back very late. Finally, the Geogian guy, Larsha is so quiet that I rarely see him so I do not care!