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Lost in the Night!
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Strange night yesterday! I woke up at 4 am and I was perfectly awake. I did not want to sleep anymore beasue I went to bed quite early. I stood up and I lied down on the floor facing the hallogen lamp. Names of common places came back to my mind while I was playing music.
Toowong, Brisbane City Center, South Bank and Mt Cootha for Australia
Picadilly Gardens, Snowdon, Lake District for the UK
Wall-mart, Best Buy, Cicrcuit City, South Bend, Chicago for the USA
Auchan, Cergy, Vaureal, Lyon, Versailles for France
Maybe I was not that awake after all. In my mind, I was back to these places again.
I just got over my 3rd herpes crisis, I must check my trans-aminases level. These high frequencies of viral attacks are not normal.