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i Lost It!
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It felt so damn good to loose your temper and to let it flow like a torrent through your mind.
Toyota at 8:46 am
I was very angry at the stupid technician who was supposed to check my car and who just left after 10 min without waiting for me. I unleashed my anger at the Toyota garage. I blocked the whole customer service and I let my words hit the stupid man who let that happened. I ordered him to write down on a paper the arrival and the departure time of the technician and I asked him to sign the stupid piece of paper.
Leroy-Merlin at: 10:25 am
I went to buy special screws at “Leroy-Merlin” and the stupid vendor made the mistake to say “The screws are still packed in the boxes. Come back another day!”
I went and requested to talk to the store manager, I asked him if it was possible to check for my screws now because it was the second day and the second time that I was told the same excuse. The manager had to call the vendor and then the manager had to go and to check the boxes by himself.
I immediately asked for free shipping when he could not do better than the vendor. The manager offered to give them to me for free. I requested him to write down on a paper the free offer and to sign it because I do not want to have to explain myself again. I read his paper and I told him I wanted 3 of them for FREE not one :)! The person at the desk and the vendor did not believe how daring I was but I got what I wanted!