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4 dAys and 3 nIghts!
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After 4 days and 3 nights in bed continuously, I am feeling better. I can breath normally through my nose (no more mucus to eject out of my sore body). I am feeling very weak but luckily I had enough good food in reserve: soups, milk, honey, some Chinese food I bought on Monday just before getting sick on Tuesday.
Outside of the warmth of the blankets the air is still cold (23 degrees Celsius) and painful but I am starving for a hot steak or good Kebab. I’ll see what I can order but there is a Kebab restaurant 200 m down the road.
This is no ordinary cold but it looks a lot like a painful flu that escaped the vaccine and I wondered where I could get this stupid thing. It was simple to guess that I must have got it last Sunday at the theater where I went to watch Superman vs Batman. The room was full of people sharing the virus. To my comfort, I am now protected against the B strain of the flu virus, the least dangerous one for at least 1 year or 2.