a gLitcH!

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A “strange situation” opened up new possibilities (maybe good ones).

Until January 2016, I had the same income each month and I enjoyed life as much as I could during all this time. In February 2016, my income decreased. My unemployment benefit is lower than what I expected for the first 4 months due to a job I had in 2011 (“leftover unemployment credits”). However, it allowed me to prove that my current income just pays for all the essentials for living. Therefore, it gives me the right to apply for this law:

“L’article L. 313-12 alinéa 1 du code de la consommation dispose que « l’exécution des obligations du débiteur peut être, notamment en cas de licenciement, suspendue par ordonnance du juge d’instance dans les conditions prévues aux articles 1244-1 à 1244-3 du Code civil ».

In addition to the tax exemption, I can freeze my housing debt during 2 years without any extra charge. Therefore, I immediately notified my bank with all the documents as proof. What is interesting in this move?

  1. I could just use the extra money in a saving account with 3% interest.
  2. I can wait as long as needed until the legal battle ends in 2 years without changing anything in my current lifestyle. I do not want to waste my savings during this time.

This is exactly what a famous french bank did when it lost 4 billions, it asked for tax return and it received 1.5 billions for its losses. So I am doing the same thing.


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