cRazY ThouGhts!

Filed Under Daily

I am always extremely carefully when talking to my sister. I know that her “apparent naive remarks” do hurt afterwards.

1. About Kids!
I do not really want kids, what I want, and it is very strange to say it this way, is part of my own genes to be transmitted. I never really liked the idea of having kids because I see them as a growing problem and a 25 years contract non negotiable. I am very protective so I think that if I ever had kids I would not be a bad father.

2. Couple
When I look at people around me especially “couples”. My sis and my cousins … all I can say is “not for me”. When I saw my sister buying her house, I immediately knew it was the right thing to do. When I attend their weddings, the only real question that came to my mind was … “how long will it last?”.


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