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coMPleTe sTrAngErs!
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Yesterday, I went to “Paris 13ie”, the chinese quarter of Paris and had lunch at a vietnamese restaurant with my sister and then we bought a nice viet sandwich before returning home. The food was pretty good and it was nice to catch up with sister time to time.
At the train station, a woman asked the person in front of me about “Boulevard Robert Ballanger” and that person did not know, so I told her that it was where I live so she could just follow me. After 3 min, she asked me if I was renting here and if it was expensive. We then started a long conversation about housing and how to invest money in new properties. She had lots of questions and many information that were not correct. She was happy in the end.
I do not have problem talking to people, I just do not want to spend too much time “socializing”. I am more than happy to share my ideas about technical issues and problems.