I’ve been waiting for this day for a very long time. Today was THE DAY. The fastest member of the team squad started to eat meter by meter the gap that separated us. I expected him to pass me with every lap that went by. This moment never came and we swam for 3 kms. After the first kilometer, I started to gain speed over the other members who were slower. After 2 km, I was faster than the girl and the polish guy. At 3 km , the fastest guy stopped as I continued my lengthy workout all by myself: 6kms. I know they saw my speed and they probably wondered about the Tech Toc I wore!

It did take me 2 full years of training! Such a good feeling! I never stressed out and never broke up the perfect rhythm given by the Tech Toc.  Extremely smooth and long arm moves! I loved it!

A DRILL: I never understood the meaning of this word in swimming techniques before. How can one drill the water like a screw would drill a piece of wood?  Today I fully understood its meaning as I drilled the water myself!


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